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Supplement Sunday - Magnesium

Magnesium is a mineral that is necessary for many functions in the human body. The adult skeleton stores over 60% of our magnesium. While severe magnesium deficiency is relatively rare, many of us have mild magnesium deficiency.

Your health care provider may recommend magnesium if your have any of the following:

- Migraine headaches

- Menstrual cramps

- Diabetes or Pre-diabetes

- High blood pressure

- Osteoporosis

- Depression or Anxiety

- Insomnia

- Restless legs and cramping

Magnesium glycinate is the supplement considered the easiest on your digestive system. Magnesium citrate or magnesium oxide are cheaper, but they can have a laxative effect and cause diarrhea. This may be helpful in some people who are always constipated.

Foods containing magnesium are leafy greens, nuts, legumes and whole grains. If you are not getting at least 300 to 400 mg from your diet, you might consider taking a supplement.

The dose I recommend is around 200 mg a day. I take it periodically to help me sleep, and it seems to help with my headaches. I always take mine about an hour before I go to bed. I personally take the chelated magnesium glycinate. Warning, they are large pills, and when I first started taking them, I had to break them in half to swallow. :D

Clark takes chelated magnesium glycinate to help her sleep if she is sleeping in a new place or having to study right before going to bed. She says it makes her sleep like a baby all through the night!

You should not take extra magnesium if you have any kidney disease or renal failure.

Consumerlab has a great Youtube video with some educational points on Magnesium.

Here are some good brands:

All material gathered and researched through my amazing fellowship program, The Arizona Center for Integrative Medicine.


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A mother-daughter duo in healthcare, Dr. Elicia Kennedy, MD, is an emergency medicine and integrative medicine physician in Little Rock, AR. Her daughter, Clark Kennedy, MD is a resident in Internal Medicine.


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