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Progress over Perfection - 90/10 Rule

Ok time to regroup after we all ate our way through Thanksgiving and survived... I wanted to reflect on the tendency to beat ourselves up. I truly love the holidays, and so, I want to make this year different.

We tend to throw everything regarding our health out the window around this time of year. We eat, drink and make merry - then spend the rest of the time - beating ourselves up. How about we do it different this year!?

As I have grown older and (hopefully) wiser, I want to propose a different way. Giving ourselves some grace. Enjoy those parties, time with family, and precious moments. The rest of the time work to keep up your healthy habits! But, be in the moment.

Life is a marathon - not a sprint. I propose we eat clean, exercise and maintain our healthy habits 90% of the time and enjoy those splurges 10% of the time. Enjoy everything and be mindful. I always tell Clark this is our life, not the rehearsal for it. If you do this and keep moving forward, while concentrating on progress not perfection, there is no reason to beat yourself up.

Be consistent. Get good sleep, try to drink enough water, and exercise. You will still be moving forward. The time we spend wallowing and beating ourselves up for the decisions of the past - rather than learning from mistakes and enjoying life's precious moments - is all a waste. Smile and enjoy your life!!!

All material gathered and researched through my amazing fellowship program, The Arizona Center for Integrative Medicine.


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A mother-daughter duo in healthcare, Dr. Elicia Kennedy, MD, is an emergency medicine and integrative medicine physician in Little Rock, AR. Her daughter, Clark Kennedy, MD is a resident in Internal Medicine.


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