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Overnight Oats - PB and Banana

We wanted to share with you all our FAVORITE overnight oats recipe. With the weather cooling down (well, sort of), I love to incorporate oats into my breakfasts. This recipe in particular is one of my go-to recipes for oats. It is easy and quick to do. It also can be done the night before which helps my morning go much smoother (and lets me sleep in a little more!)


- 1/2 cup of almond milk (any non-dairy milk will work here)

- half of a banana, mashed and ripe

- 2 tablespoons of powdered peanut butter

- 1 teaspoon of chia seeds

- 1/2 cup of rolled oats

- handful of blueberries for the top

- optional protein powder or collagen


In a small mason jar (make sure you have a lid), I like to start with the almond milk and the dry ingredients (chia, powdered peanut butter, and oats). This way I'm able to mix the liquids together. I would save the oats for last in this category. Make sure the milk, powdered peanut butter, and chia seeds are well mixed before adding in the oats.

I wanted to add here also this would be the time to add in the protein powder or collagen if you want your oats to have a little more protein. This really depends on the day for me. If I can grab a hard-boiled egg to have with this breakfast, then I omit the protein. However, if I am wanting something with just a hint more protein, I'll stir in my favorite vanilla or unflavored protein powder, and you can barely taste it in this recipe.

From here, I would add the banana. There are several ways to do this. I personally slice my banana into coin pieces and throw them into the mixture. Others may want to mash their banana for more of a pudding consistency. It is truly personal preference how you get the 1/2 of a ripe banana in the recipe. Play around with it and see which way you enjoy!

You will leave this mixture in the refrigerator overnight to sit. In the morning, open it up and add your blueberries on top for a little different texture. Sometimes I'll throw in some cacao nibs or a few shreds of coconut. However, blueberries are my favorite! It takes this mixture into the realm of a PB & J.

Try this recipe out and let us know what you think!


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A mother-daughter duo in healthcare, Dr. Elicia Kennedy, MD, is an emergency medicine and integrative medicine physician in Little Rock, AR. Her daughter, Clark Kennedy, MD is a resident in Internal Medicine.


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