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How the heck do I stay healthy during the Holidays??

This is a wonderful time of the year in so many ways. However, the holidays can be a trigger for stress... even causing us to take any attempt at being healthy and throw it out the window. Sometimes, leaving us feeling like all we do is eat and drink. It does not have to be that way! I so want us to enjoy every moment, so here are some tips.

Be Mindful

  • Being mindful means taking each moment to be fully present, aware of where we are, aware what we're doing but not overly reactive or overwhelmed. Enjoy each day and don't spend time worrying about the future or past. This moment is all you are guaranteed! When you are with someone, be with them. Don't check emails, scroll Instagram, or scan the room for who else you need to talk to. Be conscious, right here, right now, of what's going on!!!

Watch the alcohol

  • Don't get me wrong, I enjoy a glass of wine or a cosmopolitan as much as anyone. Drinking is all about moderation. It's that time of year where there are plenty of opportunities to drink and drink heavily. It's easy to get carried away when you are in a celebratory mood, but making good choices now is important to health. If you drink too much, you make poor food decisions and feel like crap the next day. I have some tricks I want to recommend. Alternate an alcoholic beverage with a glass of water or just start with half a glass each time. I do that sometimes even at home. I feel like I have had two glasses of wine, when in reality I have had two half glasses. Decide how much you want to drink ahead of time; and limit it to that. You will feel so much better and can still have a great time.

Limit indulging to special days

  • Nobody gains weight just from eating a huge Thanksgiving meal or a couple of holiday parties. What used to be a few special occasions have now become every day holiday festivities with constant eating and drinking. Just because your coworker brought in homemade gingerbread cookies doesn’t mean you need to eat them. Keep the splurge events to specific times (such as Christmas Day or the first night of Hanukkah).

Prioritize exercise and drinking water

  • Keep your exercise routine going and drink water daily. (Remember, half your weight in ounces) Do something every day to just move. Exercise is good for your body and can also relieve the stress that’s so commonplace during the holiday season. Even if it is just a walk or yoga video on YouTube.

Concentrate on having fun and being with other people, rather than just food
  • Moderation is your friend. Remember we are being mindful!!! Don't skip meals, so you can indulge at the event. You will be ravenous and then eat everything in sight. Eat mindfully and enjoy those relationships. Eat slow and watch your portions.

Get good sleep
  • This can be particularly challenging with the increase in parties and family in town. But sticking to your sleep schedule will improve your quality of sleep both now and after the holidays. Avoid this by going to bed and waking up as close to the same time as you usually do.

Take care of yourself, have some recharge time, and manage your stress
  • The holidays are full of family and friends, and while this can be a great thing, it can also be draining and stressful. Whether you’re staying with family over the holidays or just attending a large number of events, remember to take time every day for yourself. Go for a walk, meditate once a day, or offer to go to the store for a few minutes of quiet. Even extroverts need time to recharge. If your tank is empty, it is hard to have energy for anything else.

All this to say, this is a wonderful time of year. We should enjoy and soak in every moment. To feel our best during this time and not let the holidays side track our journey to better health and wellness, try out these tips and tricks. Remember, we are going for a lifestyle change here - which means being flexible and not rigid, to indulge but not overdo it, and to be in the present with those you love not dwelling in the past or worrying about the future.

Happy holidays from Wellness made EC!

All material gathered and researched through my amazing fellowship program, The Arizona Center for Integrative Medicine.


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A mother-daughter duo in healthcare, Dr. Elicia Kennedy, MD, is an emergency medicine and integrative medicine physician in Little Rock, AR. Her daughter, Clark Kennedy, MD is a resident in Internal Medicine.


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