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Health Pillars

Health can be viewed as a four-legged stool. The four legs are physical activity, optimal nutrition, stress management and sleep. If any one of them is missing, the stool will wobble. If two are missing, it will fall.

This is a simplification, but it makes it easier to think of what areas to work on in your health journey.

We are all different. Some people struggle with sleep, but have no trouble with nutrition. Others struggle with exercise and have no trouble with eating well. Don't make it complicated! Just think of little steps and habits you can add that will help in each area.

Paying attention to what you eat, cooking your own food, and drinking enough water will help improve your nutrition. Eat real whole foods - avoid processed foods, artificial additives, and chemicals. If your great-grandparents would not recognize it, do not eat it. As a rule, nature does not provide food with bar codes.

Stress is next – it is part of our life, but can be reduced with meditation and exercise Remember that meditation is different for everyone . It is anything that makes you forget about time and just be in the moment.

Sleep is often the hardest of the four to manage. Before electricity, it was easy. When it became dark outside, people went to bed, and when the sun came up, they got up. Today, we extend our day indefinitely. We have artificial lights, computer screens, Netflix and so on. We are so out of rhythm, and our bodies love rhythm. Most people truly need 7- 9 hours of sleep a day.

The fourth “leg” may be the most important (and most neglected) aspect of health – physical activity. Get out there and move. Do what is fun for you. I often tell patients - the best exercise is one that you will do.

In my experience these four build on each other. If you are eating well and exercising; sleep and stress management become much easier. Take the time to look at these "pillars" in your life and make baby steps to improve.


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A mother-daughter duo in healthcare, Dr. Elicia Kennedy, MD, is an emergency medicine and integrative medicine physician in Little Rock, AR. Her daughter, Clark Kennedy, MD is a resident in Internal Medicine.


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