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Be Basic

Here is the best advice I give patients who tell me they want to be healthy.

If you are not :

  • Eating enough of the right foods,

  • Sleeping enough,

  • Getting enough movement daily,

  • Managing Stress,

  • Strength Training 2-3 times a week, and

  • Drinking enough water and hydrating.

Then you don't need to worry about:

  • Supplements,

  • Purifying your air,

  • Filtering your water,

  • Cold plunging,

  • Dry brushing,

  • Sauna,

  • Green powders,

  • Core workouts,

  • Organic food only,

  • Red light therapy,

  • Adrenal cocktails,

  • Protein Intake timing, and

  • The list goes on and on....

The internet is great at creating misinformation and confusion. It is also great at making you feel like you are never doing enough, nor could you ever. The truth is the basics are enough. Throw out all the clutter and focus on practicing the basics first!

The other stuff has its place and can be a wonderful compliment to your lifestyle. But first, we must be consistent with the basics. The rest can come later if it is needed.

I promise you'll start feeling healthier, have more energy, and feel happier and stronger.

All material was gathered and researched through my amazing fellowship program, The Arizona Center for Integrative Medicine.



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A mother-daughter duo in healthcare, Dr. Elicia Kennedy, MD, is an emergency medicine and integrative medicine physician in Little Rock, AR. Her daughter, Clark Kennedy, MD is a resident in Internal Medicine.


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